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What you'll get:

  • Lifetime Access to the Porn-Resilient Marriage interviews
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  • Implementation Workbook & Guide Videos
  • All Expert Resources (worth more than $1200)

It's yours now - 21+ experts help you rebuild trust & intimacy after years of struggling with unwanted porn in your marriage.

What People Are Saying:

Just wanted to share a deep thanks for the work you put into this project. I appreciate the wide range of perspectives you incorporated into it. It was like a think tank dealing with porn, super insightful for me!


In my journey to Recovered THIS video has been the most inspiring yet. I saw it was around 40 minutes long……It felt 10 minutes because it was so engaging to me. I’ll be watching it again. Thx so much.


Thank you for all the work you did putting [the event] all together with such great experts in their craft. I kept saying to my partner that I feel as though I came across gold dust, as the value I've found in the discussions have been invaluable. I feel a lot more confident now working with addiction in general now and have been able to apply important concepts with a client that was enormously helpful.
